Robots are already used in food stores and soon they’ll be taking over our every shopping experience. Japanese robot named Matey, developed by top tech firm Fujitsu, is set to lead the charge, moving in perfect autonomy through stores and, helping shelf stackers fill their shelves more efficiently.
A Fujitsu spokesman said that Matey would only be used when shops are closed and his main purpose if for checking up stock. The robot utilises AI and is capable of analysing the position of products on shelves, then modifying them to be in a more effective position for shoppers to pick and choose. Matey is 5-feet tall and can move on wheels. He also has a screen on his front and uses it to communicate with people.
Matey moves in an autonomous manner in the shop using a map. He also uses it sensors to recognise AR and QR codes on every shelf.
Fujitsu explained its robot was created to help stores operate with a smaller number of employees, giving essential backup support where it’s needed. For example, he can communicate with the shoppers to help them find a particular product,
Fujitsu is currently discussing Matey’s future with potential clients, but it wouldn’t reveal is any major chains had expressed an interest to install him in their shops.
Fujistsu’s project is not too different from the project handled by Lowe’s in North America. Since 2014, robots were tested in stores by the vendor and the company is currently working on the Lowebot, the next iteration of its automated platform. Lowebot is now being trialled in eleven stores around San Francisco bay.
This robot is capable to answer easy questions that the clients give. He can also scan the inventory and process information. Lowebot’s launch followed another OSHbot. This one was launched at the company’s San Jose orchad supply hardware store in 2014 before it was closed in 2016.