Roborace has teamed up with Nvidia to offer level 5 autonomy in its Roborace racing cars.

Although initially developed for high-speed vehicles, Roborace hopes that developing autonomous cars with the help of market leaders like Nvidia will help it roll out cars to the mainstream too.

Nvidia’s Drive Pegasus AI autonomous car platform was first introduced in October last year. It can process data faster than any other autonomous car platform, completing 320 trillion operations every second, which, Nvidia says, is the equivalent of having 100 servers operating at the same time on equipment the size of a licence plate.

“Roborace is pushing the limits of AI technology and delivering autonomous driving experiences that have never been achieved before,” said Danny Shapiro, Senior Director of Automotive, Nvidia.

“The advances made with NVIDIA technology in motorsport will accelerate adoption of autonomous vehicles on public roads, making daily travel safer and more enjoyable.”

Last year, Roborace’s development cars were pitted against cars using Nvidia’s autonomous car platform to see which could make it around Hong Kong’s Formula E street race circuit. Roborace has been working on its Robocar with Nvidia’s Drive PX platform since April 2016, but this new advancement will hopefully bring level 5 automation to the cars.

“Roborace will enable motorsport to play an increasingly significant role in the development of technologies which will improve driver performance and ultimately save lives on our roads,” said Bryn Balcombe, Chief Strategy Officer, Roborace.

“Cognitive power will soon rival horsepower as an automotive performance measure and the Nvidia DRIVE Pegasus sets a new benchmark which will enable Roborace to extend competitions well beyond the confines of traditional circuit racing.”

Roborace will show off its Robocar on Nvidia’s booth at CES next week, demonstrating how driverless race cars could soon be a reality.