Jack Automation has developed a robot that can be used to communicate property issues with landlords – without tenants even knowing it’s a robot.

The technology has been developed after studying how landlords deal with certain problems, such as clogged sinks, broken pipes and other common household problems. The best thing is, the tenant don’t even know they’re talking to a machine because the conversation is so advanced.

But it’s not just one app – Jack is an entire platform, working on Amazon Alexa, Facebook Messenger, Google Home and via text message. Tenants simply text their landlord and the platform will autonomously reply offering a solution to the problem. If the landlord needs to visit the property or organise maintenance, it can be managed through Jack.

“We’ve replaced the old tenant portal so residents no longer have to log into their portal or download an app,” Jack Automation’s founder Izzy DiChiara said. “They can simply use the latest messaging portal available. We provide a platform for the property management team to manage the messages that are coming in. They can see a live transcript of what’s happening with the tenant through Jack.”

Although using AI to have realistic conversations isn’t a new method to make them as true to life as possible, the platform pulls together sources of information from thousands of maintenance conversations landlords have had with their tenants.

“Every single request that comes in, it pulls the dat,” co-founder Fernando Higuera added. “When the user said this, this is what happened, this is what we dispatched. It’s making that connection. We’re creating our own algorithm to automate that process and inject X numbers of years and knowledge, instantly.”

At the moment, humans analyse the conversations, but that will all be automated in future, the company explained.